Welcome to Iimori Shrine
Iimori Shrine is a Shinto shrine located on the outskirts of Fukuoka City
on the island of Kyushu. It is located at the base of Iimori Mountain,
whose perfect shape led some to it as Little Fuji while others call it Musubi Mountain.
Monday, February 3rd, 2020
Throwing soybean festival
11am and 19pm
Fukuotoko (*male person of year), and Fukuonna (*female person of year)
throwing beans "mame" from the Kaguraden stage for happiness
throughout the year.
*male or female person of year: refers to a person who was born in the
same Chinese zodiac sign as the current year.
♣ "Fukumikuji" is available at the shrine's office
1.Receive "ticket" at the office for 500yen.
2.After throwing mame by Fukuotoko and Fukuonna, exchange a ticket to mame
and open it, you can find a prize in it.
3.Exchange a prize at the Kaguraden stage
You can exchange until 21pm.
Demon is visiting our shrine from Mt. Iimori!
You can take a photo with them or throwing beans towards them!